Bringing Magic Back into the Lives of Books


I would move into a library if they would let me. 


I have always loved the smell of a books and the sound of a book as it opens for the first time. 


I have three children and have read thousands of books to them with their little laps nestled in my criss cross apple sauce. 


I have always longed to be a children's book writer and have even written a couple of beginning manuscripts. Maybe that will be something I can do when I retire. 


I have fourteen chickens, and if those chickens would sit on my lap and listen to me read, I would probably read to them too. 


I absolutely adore thrift shopping, and so I am turning my passion of books and my passion of digging for treasures into this little corner of the internet. So I'm hoping you can snuggle up and find a few treasures for your own children and grandchildren and that these gently used books can once again come to life for another child!


I chose the name Field of Fireflies because my favorite part about our property is in June when the fireflies come out for their few weeks of spectacular showcasing. It's pure magic. The elements in my logo are all meaningful in some way in regards to my children's names.